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The 5th "P"

by Tracy Graziani | May 12,2017 | Marketing | 0 Comments

Quite possibly since the dawn of time colleges have been teaching the four "Ps" of marketing, and I've always found this philosophy lacking. While product, promotion, price, and placement matter,...

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What is a persona in Inbound Marketing?

by Tracy Graziani | Mar 04,2017 | Marketing | 0 Comments
"Buyer personas are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers. Personas help us all -- in marketing, sales, product, and services -- internalize the ideal customer we're trying...
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What to post on social media

by Tracy Graziani | Mar 02,2017 | Marketing, Social Media | 0 Comments

Sure, you’ve heard that social media could really help grow your business, but when it comes down to it you find yourself staring at the screen with no ideas. How do you know what to post on social...

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