What to do when nobody "gets it"

by Tracy Graziani | Dec 14,2016 | Marketing | 0 Comments

Often when I’m talking to a new client I hear some variation of this concern, “People just don’t seem to understand what we do.” Usually the assumed marketing solution is to educate or inform people.

LoveIsAllYouNeed.jpeg“I want this organization to educate me about what they do,” said no human being ever in the history of humankind.

If people don’t understand what you do you have a branding problem.

Branding is NOT a logo

I’m not saying logos aren’t important, in fact I’m quite passionate about them, but logos are one part of a of something much larger. A logo is an identifying mark, while your brand is the totality of your impact (or lack thereof in some cases) as an organization.

This is the brutal truth:

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. If the consumer (whether it’s a business, a buyer, a voter or a donor) doesn’t pay a premium, make a selection or spread the word, then no brand value exists for that consumer.” -Seth Godin

Branding is all about people

Specifically, your brand is about the people you serve, your clients or customers. It’s not about you, and really it never was. You see it’s not that they don’t understand, it’s that they don’t care. People don’t care how many widgets you make or how much better your flux capacitors are; they care about what your brand does for them. Which means as a brand you have to think about them more than you think about yourself.

So how do you do that?

First, you need to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and walk around a bit. What challenges do they face? What problems can you solve for them? How do they like to communicate? Where do they get their information? Where or how do they share their experiences with others?

As an inbound agency we use personas to get at the heart of our clients so we can truly be helpful to them, and we always create personas for our clients as well. This allows for a meaningful connection for all involved, this is how you create value.

But don’t we have to talk about ourselves?

Yes, you do, but HOW you do that is what is so important. When you talk about yourself as a brand always “start with why.”

“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”-Simon Sinek

For example, which shoes would you buy? One company say this about their shoes: “Our shoes are manufactured in a sustainable factory with locally sourced vegan materials and fair labor practices.” Another company says: “We believe in doing what is best for people and the environment so we pay our employees a living wage and we use only eco-friendly materials.”

If you managed to stay awake through the first one, you know that the second is far more appealing.

Everyone loves a story

Whether it is the story others tell about you, or the one you choose to tell, there is a story about your organization. That story is your brand, and it’s a “choose your own adventure” kind of tale. The story can and will change over time, so make it a good one.

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